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peer through

栏目: 英语词典 来源: www.jsqq.net 时间: 2022-07-30 00:00

peer through发音




see through───看穿

seen through───看穿

sees through───看穿

sleep through───睡着一直什么也没听见;也没被唤醒或惊醒

blew through───准备发动时输送蒸汽入汽缸;吹过;匆忙离开


fell through───未能实现

get through───通过;到达;做完;接通电话;度过,熬过(困难时期等)

gets through───通过;到达;做完;接通电话;度过,熬过(困难时期等)


through the letterbox, and in the gloom you see a calendar pinned to the wall.───通过信箱凝视,在黑暗中你可以看到一个钉在墙上的日历。

Many city kids, even if they did peer through the orange smog above their heads, would probably see only a handful of stars.───很多城市的小孩,即使他们透过他们头顶上的橙色的烟雾,仰望星空,或许也只能看到少量的星星。

Before my entire ravaged colon was removed, my doctors let me peer through the scope and take a look at it as it died.───在我的整个溃烂的结肠被切除之前,我的医生让我透过肠镜看到了那段已经坏死的肠子。

Shaking with fear, the children peer through the window of his cottage before a spine-tingling scene in which he creeps up behind them.───恐惧的发抖,孩子们在他的小屋向窗子外窥视,然后悄悄的跟着他们后面而此刻觉得脊柱发麻。

Peer through the letterbox, and in the gloom you see a calendar pinned to the wall.───通过信箱凝视,在黑暗中你可以看到一个钉在墙上的日历。

The Fauns also he blessed, and the little things that dance in the woodland, and the bright-eyed things that peer through the leaves.───他亦祝佑了牧神,祝佑了那些在丛林里舞蹈的小东西,以及透过树叶偷偷窥望的长着明亮眼睛的东西。

Many city kids, even if they did peer through the orange smog above their heads, would probably see only a handful of stars.───而许多在城市的孩子,即便他们能透过头顶上方的橙色烟雾凝视夜空,瞥见的也很可能只有屈指可数的几颗星星。

Karachi, Pakistan: Men peer through a cloth barrier, which was raised to cordon off the site of a suicide bomb attack.───巴基斯坦,卡拉奇:两个男人穿过布制封锁线窥视,在这里面发生了自杀式炸弹袭击。


Kennicott stooped to peer through the windows.

Blake screwed up his eyes, trying to peer through the fog.

Boys peer through a carpet loom in India.

Karachi, Pakistan: Men peer through a cloth barrier, which was raised to cordon off the site of a suicide bomb attack.

He shielded his eyes with his hands and tried to peer through the window beside him.

Climb the hill and enter the echoing fifteenth-century Gothic church to peer through glass panels at the medieval foundations.

I peer through the magnifier at the still struggling insect.

He got a bruising whack in his right eye - the one he uses to peer through his telescope at the stars.

I peer through the window to the side of the door and a mime is in progress, a woman energetically vacuuming.


