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the long con

栏目: 英语词典 来源: www.jsqq.net 时间: 2022-07-30 00:00

the long con发音




the long term───长期

in the long run───长远;终究

the wrong crowd───错误的人群

the long paddock───长围场

the working man───工人

the Song of Songs───歌中之歌

the like of───像……这样的人(东西)

the Flying Scotsman───苏格兰飞人

the Long March───中国红军的长征;万水千山(电影名)


the people coming back from the United States became used to have their air-con on all day long, and when is really hot outside, inside the rooms it's so cold that they have to wear a heavy coat .───这些美国回来的人喜欢整天开着空调,大热的天屋里冷得要命以至于要穿厚外套。

Often impulsive, occasionally over-eager, Danny had to learn to be patient before he could become skilled in the ways of the long con.───丹尼经常意气用事,有时也会操之过急,因而在他成为放长线钓大鱼的高手之前,还得好好学会如何耐心行事。

The series follows a group of con artists who specialize in "long cons" - extended deceptions which require greater commitment, but which return a higher reward than simple confidence tricks.───这部英剧记录了一群专门做“长线骗局”的诈骗高手们的故事,这类骗局要求的投入更高,不过丰厚的收益也是小打小闹的骗人把戏所不能比的。

Mickey's the former leader of the team, and master of the long con.───米奇是团队的前首脑,擅长长线诈骗。

No one is playing the long con anymore.───没人再敢玩大的了吧


A [w]veteran [/w] of the long con, and a respected grifter of the old-school generation, Albert's job in the team is to pick the right targets ("rope the mark") for his con colleagues.

上一篇:movies over

