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human being

栏目: 英语词典 来源: www.jsqq.net 时间: 2022-07-30 00:00

human being发音





human beings───人类

human brain───人脑

human mind───人心



human cloning───复制人,克隆人;人类克隆

human suffering───人类的苦难

human clonings───复制人,克隆人;人类克隆

human body───人体


In every human being there is a wish to ameliorate his own condition.───改善自己境况的愿望人皆有之.

A human being has the vestige of a tail.───人类仍有尾巴退化的痕迹.

They were not the bones of an animal, but of a human being!───它们不是动物的骨头, 而是人的骨头.

Each human being has to die, but mankind goes on world without end.───每个人都会死, 但人类却永无止境.

The soldier acted qua soldier, not as a human being.───那名士兵当时以军人的身份行事,而不是以一般人的身份。

From super compressed ( virtually unreadable and editable by a human being ) to visually pleasing.───从超压 ( 几乎读和编辑被人类 ) 视觉愉悦.

The doctor had a test on the physiological reaction of human being.───医生做了一次有关人的生理反应的测试.

Modern civilization destroys conventional national cultures rapidly while it ameliorates the subsistence quality of human being.───现代文明在改善着人的生存质量的同时,也在迅速消解着传统的民族文化.

Justice is a permanently ideal of human being and value which law always pursues.───公平,是人类永恒的理想,也是法所追求的价值目标.

It's not a thing, Beauchamp. It's a human being!───比彻姆,那不是一件东西,是一个人!

Pam other than she's a phenomenal actress, phenomenal human being, really funny.───她除了是一个很杰出的演员 、 很优秀的人才之外, 也是一个很有趣的人.

the particularity of each human being───每个人的独特个性

No human being on the face of the earth could do anything worse than what he did.───世界上再没有人能做出比他更坏的事情来。

A human being is an ingenious assembly of portable plumbing.───人类,是一堆可以随意拆卸的铅管零件的巧妙装配.

In conclusion " Daoobeys Zi Ran " is helpful to the existence of the universe and human being.───老子之所以要进行“究天人之际”终极的追问,是要人类由认识天之 “ 本然”而知人之 “ 应然”,归底还是对人的终极关怀.

He didn'treally believe that any human being could read another's mind.───他并不真的相信有谁会读心术.

To solve some problem the human being faces we have made many big science projects.───为了解决一些人类共同面临的问题,许多大科学创新项目应运而生.

No human being can be free from mistakes.───是人总要犯错误.

It's not a thing. It's a human being!───这不是一件东西,这是一个人!

Drama is riveting to the Human Being, and solution is not.───对人类来说戏剧是让人兴奋的, 解答(却)不是.

Physical perfection in a human being is exceedingly rare.───体貌完美的人极为罕见。

That is no way to treat another human being.───那绝不是对待他人的方式。

Empathy is the ability to feel into and identify with the needs of another human being.───移情就是感知和探求别人需求的能力.

Vocabulary is the most close joining point of human being language and their living experiences.───词汇是人类的语言和生活经验最紧密的衔接点.

At same time, it is a biological environment composed mainly of human being.───同时它又是一个以人为主体的有生物环境.

It immediately ran away when she saw it, and experts confirmed that a puma will not attack a human being unless it is cornered.───当她看到它时, 它便跑开了.而且专家证实,美洲狮除非被逼到绝境,它是不攻击人的.

This film shows the progression of human being from one extreme to the other.───这部电影反映了人类从一个极端到另一个极端的发展历程.

The old play a stress action in the social development of human being.───老年人对人类社会发展起着重要的作用.

Each human being has to die, but mankind goes o world without end.───人都有一死, 但人类的发展却是永无止境的.

Watch any young human being, or any other young animal.───注意儿童或其他幼小动物。

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