栏目: 英语词典 来源: www.jsqq.net 时间: 2022-07-30 00:00
founding father───开国元勋;创建人
absentee father───缺席父亲
adoptive father───养父;义父
devoted father───忠诚的父亲
doting father───溺爱的父亲
founding fathers───开国元勋;开国者
in fine feather───精神饱满;情绪极佳
inclement weather───恶劣天气
nursing father───养父
By then, all of us kids had moved away from home. So Boots also became the perfect child my father never had. She was an eager, loving and obedient Pal for him.───那时,我们兄弟姐妹都已经离开家,“布茨”因此也就成了我父亲最理想的孩子,它是我父亲热情可爱、惟命是从的好朋友。