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stage one

栏目: 英语词典 来源: www.jsqq.net 时间: 2022-07-30 00:00

stage one发音




square one───回到起点

stage door───n.后台入口,剧院后门

stage hand───置景工;摄影棚工作人员

stage name───艺名

stage race───舞台赛

stag line───雄鹿线

stage peg───舞台挂钩

stage set───n.场景和道具布置



Stage One: Present to 2020───阶段:现在到2020

Sky News has said that it will stage one with or without Mr Brown.───根据天空新闻透露,不管布朗有没有出现,他们仍会转播。

Stage one: Establishing the concept and collaboration.───第一阶段:建立观念和协作。

Stage one: This might tickle a bit. . . Dr Torres spray paints the model's shoulder and torso. Both wear goggles to protect their eyes.───第一步:会有点痒…托雷斯博士将液体喷在模特的肩部和上身,两个人都必须戴上护目镜,以保护眼睛。

Stage one is a honeymoon phase, during which the new experience is perceived to be interesting, picturesque, entertaining, and charming.───第一阶段是蜜月期,此时,人们会觉得刚接触到的一切都是生动、独特、有趣而迷人的。

"One stage, one dream; One world, one Tianhe" . All Tianhe people's ultimate mission is to provide the best service for all clients.───“同一个舞台,同一个梦想;同一个世界,同一个天合”。为广大客户朋友提供最优质的服务是全体天合人的终极使命!

All stage one naming surveys and stage two rating surveys mentioned are telephone surveys conducted by interviewers under close supervision.───上述所有第一阶段的提名调查及第二阶段的评分调查皆属电话问卷调查,由严格督导下的访员进行访问。

Stage one of China's massive telecommunications reshuffle offers a snapshot.───我们可以由中国大规模电信业重组的序幕中窥斑见豹。

Because I know as a doctor, if someone comes to me with stage one disease, I'm thrilled -- we can often cure them.───因为作为医生我知道,如果某人在患病初期找到我,我很高兴--我们通常能治愈他们。


Of course that was just stage one, when we moved gently up into position at the Valve.

Stage one of the use of a hydrological simulation model involves the provision of initial information about the drainage-basin.

This Recommendation defines stage one of the broadband virtual path service for reserved and permanent communications (BVPS) for the public broadband integrated services digital network (B-ISDN).

The early stage deformation was marked by nearly E W directed dextral shear accompanied by low greenschist facies metamorphism, while the late stage one by SE directed sinistral shear.

Submission of plan by Tenderer at stage one ( conceptive plan ) shall consist of the following.

Acetic acid changed unremarkably. Succinic acid changed not significantly from stage one to stage two, then increased and it was the highest in the stage three.

On stage, one of the waiter girls had gotten down on her hands and knees.

Stage one is preparation, stage two is production, and the final stage is follow through.

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