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play happily

栏目: 英语词典 来源: www.jsqq.net 时间: 2022-07-12 00:00

play happily发音




lived happily───幸福地生活

play hardball───采取强硬态度


play a gig───演出

play a part───装腔骗人;扮演角色;在…中起一份作用

play ball───开始活动;开始赛球

play cupid───扮演丘比特

play fair───公平行事,公平地比赛

play havoc───大肆破坏


One bar of chocolate a day enables you to work satisfactorily and play happily.───每日一块巧克力,使您工作满意,娱乐惬意。

Let children play happily and grow up safely.───让孩子快乐玩耍平安长大。

Most of us can work hard in class and play happily afterwards.───我们中大多数人学习努力,课后又玩得很开心。

I shut the door and, as a cook, began to play happily and loudly with the cooking utensils and dance around the oven.───我这位厨师关好厨房门,然后就在里面兴高采烈丁零当啷地演奏起锅碗瓢盆打击乐并跳起了锅边舞。

Because nearly everyday is like this , mother always says that I am not right . But I still play happily and forget the time .───因为几乎每天这样所以妈妈总是说我,但我还是玩得忘了时间。

Is really happy for you, hopes you to play happily in Germany!───真为你高兴,但愿你在德国玩得开心!

Sometimes I find people assume children did nothing more than picnic and play happily.───有时,我发现人们认为儿童并没有做什么比起野餐和高兴地玩耍。

We often have P. E. classes here. We always play happily. In different seasons, the school is different and beautiful.───在学楼后还有一个大操场,我们经常在这里上体育课,我们玩的很高兴。

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