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antithetical couplet

栏目: 英语词典 来源: www.jsqq.net 时间: 2022-07-12 00:00

antithetical couplet发音






acoustic coupler───[声]声音耦合器


elegiac couplet───挽联;挽歌对句

heroic couplet───英雄偶句诗

acoustic couplers───[声]声音耦合器




Is the Chinese traditional culture Chinese antithetical couplet treasure.───对联是中国汉族传统文化瑰宝。

The antithetical couplet of new generation , usher in a new epoch hand in hand.───其实应该是“携手新世联”, 打错字了呦!

Antithetical couplet is a kind of traditional literature form, which has a long history.───对联是一种传统的文学形式, 有着悠久的历史渊源.

Other or " group one " ties methods and so on antithetical couplet by the relative to solve.───其它的均由亲属或 “ 一帮一 ” 结对子等手段来解决.

During the spring festival, I wrote an antithetical couplet and hung it on my door.───春节时我亲自题写了一副对联,挂在门的两侧.

This antithetical couplet is my father's handwriting.───这幅对联是父亲的亲笔。

This antithetical couplet hanging in the library was written by Lu Hsun.───图书馆墙上这幅字迹苍遒的对联,正是鲁迅的手迹。

On the pillar of this pavilion, there is an antithetical couplet.───这座亭子的柱上嵌刻着一副抱柱对儿.


This antithetical couplet is my father's handwriting.

The antithetical couplet of new generation , usher in a new epoch hand in hand.

Other or " group one " ties methods and so on antithetical couplet by the relative to solve.

May know through the massive experimental contrast result, may the antithetical couplet cervical cell carry on a more accurate classification using the BP reverse propagated error algorithm.

During the spring festival, I wrote an antithetical couplet and hung it on my door.

Antithetical couplet is a kind of traditional literature form, which has a long history.

On the pillar of this pavilion, there is an antithetical couplet.


