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to be no

栏目: 英语词典 来源: www.jsqq.net 时间: 2022-07-12 00:00

to be no发音




to beknot───摘要

to besnow───围攻

to bean───到豆子

to bego───这次飞行

to bein───成为

to bend───弯曲

to be had───被拥有

to beacon───到信标

to beckon───他在招手吗


There seemed to be no motive for the murder.───谋杀案看不出有什么动机。

seemed to be no doubt about it.───似乎毫无疑问。

There seems to be no one they consider irredeemable.───看起来没有他们认为无可救药的人。

There seemed to be no longer any reason for trying to preserve the ideals of a bygone age.───似乎不再有任何理由来试图保存一个已成过去的时代的思想了。

There seems to be no room for compromise in the border dispute between the two countries.───两国的边界争端看来没有调和的余地。

In the big press conference, at the beginning Maxi easily told reporters, the foreign professional pickpockets seems to be no wisdom.───在这起大案的新闻发布会上,马曦初很轻松地告诉记者们,外国的职业扒手似乎也没有什么高明之处。

And also, "There seems to be no love in her heart, either. "───此外还有,“她的心中好像也不懂爱。”

By the time of his death, the hidden dispute over Banrural had been resolved, and there appeared to be no motive for killing him.───也就是说,在他死前,关于农村银行的秘密争端已然解决,似乎没有动机再去谋杀他。

He pulled hard at the gold chain to get it into the boat, but there seemed to be no end to it.───他奋力地拉着链子,想要将其拖上船,然而链子看起来似乎根本没有末端。


There seems to be no rhyme or reason for the school's behaviour.

There seems to be no satisfactory explanation.

There seemed to be no way of averting the oncoming crisis.

His advice turned out to be no use at all.

There seemed to be no clear motive for the attack.

There seemed to be no doubt about it.

There seems to be no uniformity among the various systems.

There is to be no limitation on the number of opposition parties.

There seemed to be no motive for the murder.

上一篇:sprint lte
下一篇:frustum of cone

