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jump and walk

栏目: 英语词典 来源: www.jsqq.net 时间: 2022-07-12 00:00

jump and walk发音




compound wall───组合墙;多层壁

jump dial───跳转拨号

jump dials───跳转拨号

jumping jack───跳跃式千斤顶

chalk and talk───填鸭式教学法;注入式教学法

jump the rails───出轨

jump the track───出轨;脱轨

jump up and down───上下跳

buck and wing───雄鹿和翅膀


The rope-like tendon connects the calf muscles, the gastrocnemius and the soleus, to the heel bone, and is responsible for pushing off when you walk, jump or run.───该肌腱形似绳索,一头连着小腿的腓肠肌和比目鱼肌,另一头与跟骨相连,在人体行走,跳跃或跑动时,行成向前的推力。

When [moderator Tom] Brokaw would ask a question, he would almost jump out of his chair and walk powerfully and quickly toward Brokaw and answer quickly, with no pause.───当主持人提出一个问题之后,他几乎立刻从椅子上站起来,步伐有力地快步走向主持人,然后不加迟疑地马上作答。

One prominent study found that immediate ice therapy "resulted in earlier return to activity, as defined by ability to walk, climb stairs, run and jump without pain."───一项重要的研究发现了快速的冷敷治疗会让病人更早的恢复活动,明确的说就是没有任何疼痛的行走,爬楼梯,跑跳。

We watched this cat from the time she was little, dance, jump, and walk on the tiniest edge of everything.───从这猫小时起,我们就目睹她在各种最小平面上跳舞蹦走。

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