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terrible day

栏目: 英语词典 来源: www.jsqq.net 时间: 2022-07-12 00:00

terrible day发音




terrible fear───可怕的恐惧

terrible pain───剧痛

terrible danger───可怕的危险

terrible ordeal───可怕的磨难

terrible shame───可怕的耻辱

terrible waste───可怕的浪费

memorable day───纪念日

terrible joke───可怕的笑话

terrible loss───可怕的损失


I'm so grateful to all those volunteers because they helped my terrible day end happily.───我很感谢所有的志愿者,因为他们让我这糟糕的一天愉快地结束了。

Then one terrible day when he is dangling over the furious lion, he s and falls.───后来可怕的一天到来了,当他在暴怒的狮子头顶上倒挂时一不下心掉了下去。

Who among us could imagine the sacrifice you would be asked to bear on that terrible day?───我们有谁能够想象在那可怕的一天你们所要求承担的牺牲?

Today was a terrible day, I had a fever. My mom told me to go see Dr. Li nearby.───今天真糟糕,我发烧了,妈妈让我去附近的李医生那看病。

Jeff had a terrible day. He missed the train to work. Moreover, he had to wait a.───杰夫过了很糟的一天。他上班没赶上火车。而且,他得久候。

And, also, on that terrible day when our city was being attacked, you were in immediate communication with us.───并且,总统先生,当我们受到袭击的那恐怖一天,您马上跟我们联系。

The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and the terrible day of the LORD come.───日头要变为黑暗,月亮要变为血,这都是耶和华大而可畏的日子未到以前。

I've had a terrible day, and this traffic is the last straw, I can't take any more.───我这一天已经够倒霉了,这样的堵车更是雪上加霜,我受不了了。

Tom: I had a really terrible day. I lost a very important document, and all the work I've done was screwed up!───汤姆:今天倒霉透了,我弄丢了一份重要文件,一天的工作白干了!


I had a terrible day at work, and to cap it all off I got a flat tire.

I've had a terrible day at the office and I'm absolutely shattered.

With a sweep in play against the last-place Rangers , the Yanks had a terrible day pitching, hitting and fielding.

Memories of that terrible day are forever engraved on my mind.

It's a terrible day.

That terrible day will be for ever embedded in his memory.

上一篇:propitiate god
下一篇:leg day

