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take profit of

栏目: 英语词典 来源: www.jsqq.net 时间: 2022-07-12 00:00

take profit of发音




take account of───考虑到;顾及;体谅

take hold of───v.握住

take it out of───使…疲乏;向…报复;强行从…中拿走

take out on───拿…出气;对…发泄

take pity on───怜悯,同情

make a habit of───养成……习惯

take a lot out of───从中得到很多

take no notice of───不理采…

take a poor view of───对...抱悲观的看法;不赞成···


But he did not take his eye off the purpose of the factories: to make a profit.───但是他并没有忽视企业的宗旨:那就是赚取利润。

care of your customers and the people who take care of your customers and the growth and profit will take care of themselves.───你能照顾好自己的客户以及那些照顾客户的员工,那么,公司的成长和利润就会自然而然照顾到你。

The project benefits from a high quality environment. It's conceived to take profit of the positive aspects of the parcel: environmental frame, garden, views, vegetation and natural daylight.───高质量环境也让这个项目获益。事务所设想通过这个体量的积极方面的得到灵感:环境框架、花园、视图、植被和自然日光。

This includes choosing entry points, making decisions about exit points, stop-loss and take-profit of the trader.───这包括选择切入点,决策出境点,停损,并采取非营利性的交易。

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