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shifting from

栏目: 英语词典 来源: www.jsqq.net 时间: 2022-07-12 00:00

shifting from发音




dating from───从什么时候开始

shifting down───变慢;换档减速

shifting up───加速

shipping room───码头发货仓库

printing frame───印刷架

shifting sands───流沙

shipping rooms───码头发货仓库

spinning frame───[纺]细纱机,精纺机;精纱机

as distinct from───与……不同


Slowly but surely Germans are shifting from idealism to realism, particularly over Iran.───德国人缓慢而又的确正在从理想主义转向现实主义,特别在伊朗问题上。

end, the burden is shifting from the network and to the server and the client.───最后,负担将从网络转移给服务器和客户机。

battleground is now shifting from the mean streets to suburban living rooms.───战场已经从普通街道转移到了郊区的寓所。

The purpose of a library's physical location is perceived to be shifting from one of providing tools for research, to that of entertainment.───图书馆的物理存在正在从一个提供搜索工具的地方向提供一个娱乐环境转变。

It's about shifting from you trying to find the right information to the right information finding you.───由你寻找目标信息转变为目标信息来找你。

It was the local people's unflinching stand against the plant that ultimately resulted in its shifting from the site.───因为当地民众毫不畏缩地反对化工厂的建设才最终导致化工厂另换新址。

American troops are shifting from leading operations, to partnering with Iraqi forces, and, eventually, to a protective overwatch mission.───美国军队正在从承担主要作战任务转向配合伊拉克部队的行动,最终将转为防护性监测。

With the deepening of the opening-up and reform policy, China is gradually shifting from a closed economy to an open economy.───随着改革开放的不断深入,我国正逐步由封闭经济转向开放经济。

Majumdar said India was also shifting from a policy of investment-based incentive to generation-linked incentives for renewables projects.───Majumdar说印度将转向投资为基础的激励的政策来奖励可再生能源的投资。


The general concept of work is also shifting from man-machine interaction to man-man interaction with machines as aids. 10.

So the Fed is shifting from its usual policy of buying only short-term debt, and is now buying long-term debt — a policy generally referred to as "quantitative easing.

Our apartment was generating serious energy, shifting from its usual somnambulism to a flushed and slightly kinetic mode.

Rodriguez hesitated, his eyes shifting from Ward to the silent faces of the other diners, all watching us.

She was shifting from one foot to the other; she felt as if she was going to wet her pants.

China's education system is shifting from exam - oriented mode to diathesis mode.

Second, shifting from free use to non - gratuitous use of forest ecological value.

For the state sector, its role is shifting from provider of limited and fragmented services to subsidizer, regulator, monitor and provider in some fields.

American troops are shifting from leading operations, to partnering with Iraqi forces, and, eventually, to a protective overwatch mission.

上一篇:tenure means
下一篇:she s my teacher

