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look at people

栏目: 英语词典 来源: www.jsqq.net 时间: 2022-07-12 00:00

look at people发音




boat people───n.乘小船出逃的难民

local people───当地人

boat peoples───n.乘小船出逃的难民

good people───好人

lay people───平信徒;外行;俗人

most people───多数人

crowd of people───人群

Beaker people───烧杯人

chosen people───选民


The SEC's investigation is expected to look at people with whom the Wongs might have come into contact.───预计美国证交会的调查,会着眼于王氏夫妇可能接触的人。

learn to smile at them.───学会面带笑容,正眼看人。

Williams: When I look at people, I don't see colors.───Williams:当我看人的时候,我不看肤色。

And understands that when we're talking about poverty, we've got to look at people all along the economic spectrum.───而且明白当我们谈论贫困,我们必须去看所有经济范围内的人。

you are always looking at her. you look at her too much. it is dangerous to look at people in such fashion. something terrible may happen.───你总是看她。你看她看得太多了。看那样漂亮的人是会有危险的。一些糟糕的事将会发生了。

Just take a look at people like Gary Vaynerchuk and Tim Ferris, they LOVE what they do.───就看看像盖里·维纳查克和蒂姆·费里斯那样的人吧,他们热爱自己所做的事情。

"I look at people looking at me. " as Mr.───用中科院费孝通先生话说“我看人看我”。

"If you really look at people closely, " Killman said, "you can see that sometimes, the grin kind of falters. "───“如果你仔细观察的话,”基尔曼说,“有时候会看到,她们在咧着嘴苦笑。”

Or look at people walking the streets: most of them are rushed, their faces full of worry, inattentive to things around them.───或者看一下在街上走路的人们:他们大多数步履匆匆,脸上布满焦虑,对身边的事务毫无兴趣。


If you look at people who cope successfully with difficult situations, they often automatically think ahead and anticipate the circumstances.

Stop turning round to look at people.

Don't look at people with a jaundiced eye and make little of them!

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