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can read

栏目: 英语词典 来源: www.jsqq.net 时间: 2022-07-12 00:00

can read发音




nan bread───南面包

corn bread───玉米面包



card reader───读卡机,读卡器






Who can read the lyrics?───谁可以读读歌词?

She can read English drawings.───她能够读懂英语图纸。

The Universal Product Code symbol, also known as the 'bar code', is printed on products for sale and contains information that a computer can read.───通用产品代码符号,亦称“条形码”,印在出售的商品上,其中含有计算机能识别的信息。

The simple fact that I can read the sincerity in her eyes when she says, "I love you. "───当她对我说“我爱你”时,我能够看出她的真诚。

DAD : Ok, but let me take a look at it first , Hey , keep your hands off it so I can read it!───好吧,不过先让我看看。呃,把你的手拿开,这样我才能看得清楚。

You can read her own personal account of her experience in her diary.───你可以从她的日记中看她对其个人经历的自我描述。

CAN read quickly enough to cope with an academic course, to read the media for information or to understand non-standard correspondence.───能在短时间内确实理解学术资料、媒体所提供的资讯或非标准文体的书信。

Old English is extremely difficult to understand. Only a few experts can read this earliest form of English.───古英语极难理解。仅有少数几个专家能够读懂这种早期形式的英语。

Whilst you're all tucked up in bed reading your favorite fairy-tale or horror story you can read to the glow of this uncomplicated lamp.───当你窝在床上看你最爱的童话故事或者鬼故事的时候,还可以沐浴在这盏造型简单的灯光里。


Double over the map so that we can read it more easily.

You can read all the lurid details of the affair in today's paper.

He can read, write and count.

He can read Braille though he isn't blind.

I can read Spanish but can't translate into it.

The little boy can read quite well now.

Some children can read and write before they go to school.

He that can read an meditate will not find his evenings long or life tedious.

I can read French but I can't speak it.

下一篇:bashful define

