栏目: 英语词典 来源: www.jsqq.net 时间: 2022-07-09 00:00
animal cracker───动物形脆饼干
animal black───骨黑
animal crackers───动物形脆饼干
animal fat───动物脂;动物油脂
animal fats───动物脂;动物油脂
animal park───野生动物园
animal blacks───骨黑
animal starch───动物淀粉
animal warden───动物管理员
Test your animal knowledge as you race against the clock.───测试您的动物知识作为你时间赛跑。
I excitedly to draw up the animal games, a dog and pony race;───我也兴冲冲地画起了动物运动会,有小马和小狗比赛跑;
She stayed with a few of the front runners, ran off to sniff some animal carcasses, romp in the water, and then back to the race.───它与几位领先的参赛者并列,但之后它就跑下赛道,一会儿嗅嗅动物残骸,一会儿去玩水,最后又回到了赛道上。