栏目: 英语词典 来源: www.jsqq.net 时间: 2022-07-09 00:00
dropped by───顺便拜访
abided by───遵守;信守;承担…的后果
padded bra───定型胸罩
passed by───通过;由…认可
A new regional engagement is prodded by two things.───两件事促成一份新的地区承诺。
June 7th the European Union, prodded by Britain, imposed sanctions on six ports still held by Colonel Qaddafi.───六月七日,欧盟(由英国提案)对于仍由卡扎菲上校掌控的六个港口进行制裁。
I'm sick of being poked and prodded by doctors.───我讨厌让医生在我身上戳戳点点的。
Prodded by some far-sighted diplomats, Australia was one of the first countries to wake up to the economic potential of China.───在一些高瞻远瞩外交官的提醒下,澳大利亚成为最早认识到中国经济潜力的国家之一。
Prodded by the White House, seven Cabinet chiefs announced their departures soon after Nov.───在白宫的催促下,七位内阁要员宣布将于11月5日后卸任。
Prodded by tight regulation, the banks were much more conservative in their lending than their American counterparts.───由于严格监管的刺激,加拿大银行在其放款方面要比美国银行保守得多。
I was not delivered unto this world in defeat, nor does failure course in my veins. I am not a sheep waiting to be prodded by my shepherd .───我不是为了失败才来到这个世界上的,我的血管里也没有流动着失败的血液。
Prodded by Italy and Spain, the EU imposed duties on Chinese and Vietnamese footwear imports in 2006.───在意大利和西班牙的推动下,欧盟于2006年开始对从中国和越南进口的鞋类征收关税。
Prodded by Beijing, Mr. Kim experimented with economic liberalization in 2002 by allowing some markets to form.───在北京鼓励下,金正日在2002年允许一些市场的出现,从而展开经济自由化的试验。
After years of waiting fruitlessly for the housing market to cool, Zhu and Jia decided to get married this year, prodded by their friends and parents and conscious of passing time.
But the Senate, prodded by Hatch and Kennedy, took the proposal further.
I'm sick of being poked and prodded by doctors.