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vibratory motion

栏目: 英语词典 来源: www.jsqq.net 时间: 2022-07-09 00:00

vibratory motion发音




dilatory motion───拖拉运动

dilatory motions───拖拉运动

vibratory mill───振动磨机

vibratory mills───振动磨机

contrary motion───反向进行

library edition───适宜于图书馆陈列保藏的版本

satisfactory solution───满意解

baby lotion───婴儿润肤露

back a motion───支持一项动议


Damping: in physics, the restraint of vibratory motion, such as mechanical oscillations, noise, and alternating electric currents, by dissipating energy.───阻尼:物理学中,指因能量耗散使振荡、噪音、交流电之类的振动所受到的遏制。

relationship between the volumetric deformations of sand for different number of cycles of vibratory motion and input accelerations and its dependence on input frequency are investigated.───分析了不同振次下的干砂体积变形与振动加速度之间关系,以及振动频率对这关系的影响。

This paper establishes the vibratory motion equation of two kinds of core-tube suspension structure, derives rigidity matrix ;───本文针对两类核筒悬挂结构建立了振动方程,推导了刚度矩阵;

The desire to give a body to that idea is manifested by setting a harp string in vibratory motion.───给这种思想赋形的欲望,通过在振动运动中设定一条竖琴弦而显现。

The heartbeat of Creation is a two-way piston stroke of vibratory motion which extends from the still Light of Mind.───造物之心跳是(从思想的静止之光中扩展的)振动运动的一个双向活塞冲程。

Capable of or adapted to vibratory motion.───能够或适于震动的


