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fortune teller

栏目: 英语词典 来源: www.jsqq.net 时间: 2022-07-09 00:00

fortune teller发音










fortune hunter───追求财富者;想借婚姻发财者


fortune hunters───追求财富者;想借婚姻发财者



He went to a fortune - teller to ask about his future.───于是他去让 算命 先生算前程.

The fortune - teller predicted that I would marry a doctor.───算命 先生预言我会同一位医生结婚.

The gypsy earned her money as a fortune - teller .───这个吉普赛人以 算命 谋生.

Waiter: I wouldn't know, Sir. I'm a waiter, not a fortune teller.───服务员:我不知道,先生,我是服务员,不是算命的。

A: I went to the fortune - teller yesterday.───我昨天去 算命 了.

One boy looked to see considerable fortune teller also.───看看其中一小子长得还颇有看相.

You didn't go to the fortune - teller, did you?───你不相信算命的, 是不是?

The fortune teller told Jane that there was an adventure for her just around the corner.───算命先生告诉简说她即将有奇遇.

The fortune teller read his fate in the crystal ball.───算命先生从水晶球中预知了他的命运.

The fortune - teller predicted me a long life.───那 算命 者预言我会长寿.

So I guess the fortune teller 、 s right.───所以我想先知是对的.

In the beginning, we went to the fortune teller for help.───开始的时候,我去找算命的给我帮助。

But I am not a fortune - teller .───可惜我不是个 算命 先生.

The fortune - teller predicted that my brother would marry a teacher.───算命 先生预言我哥哥会娶一位教师.

You become a mind reader and a fortune teller.───你变成了一个揣摩别人心思的人,一个算命先生。

I am Chinese, 1987, on February 23, please born noon fortune teller measure once!───我是农历1987年2月23号午时出生, 请算命大师测算一下!

My friend Mike is a fortune - teller .───我的朋友迈可是个 算命 师.

A fortune - teller told her she would marry a foreigner.───算命 的说她会嫁个外国人.


It came from the fortune teller.

Kabul[sentencedict.com], Afghanistan: A fortune teller listens to a woman as another awaits her turn. Fortune telling was banned under the Taliban regime.

One boy looked to see considerable fortune teller also.

I shrank back while the fortune teller tottered towards the main street.

So I guess the fortune teller 、 s right.

They grabbed the blind fortune teller and flung him brutally against the wall of a josh-house.

You become a mind reader and a fortune teller.

The fortune teller read his fate in the crystal ball.

The fortune teller told Jane that there was an adventure for her just around the corner.

上一篇:so right
下一篇:sand away

